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Mens League Wednesday November 30, 2016


The game for this week will be a 2 man Nassau (net), which is your one best net score on holes 1-9, holes 10-18, and the total 18 holes. Teams can only win one of the 3 matches. Teams will be generated by the computer as usual, players 1-2 will be a team, players 3-4 a team, and so on. Thanks for keeping the greens in great shape, and filling in a lot of the divots (also your own) left from the more inconsiderate and uneducated people. Can you tell it pees me off a bit. Pace of play can always be improved for the enjoyment of all.

Dave Punt will accept your 50 Pesos this week. Thanks Dave. See you all Wednesday,

El Capitan

© 2016 El Tigre Leagues