Hola Chicas,
This week we will be playing an Individual Format with Low Net and Low Gross scores for each flight. Carole and Vivian are the Captains.
On Friday Feb 8th Flamingos Ladies will be joining us for our Two Lady Team Format. Members will be able to sign up for this event starting this Friday. You can pick your own partner or sign up as a single and you will be assigned a partner for the event. Partners’ handicaps must be 10 or fewer strokes apart. A choice of menu items will follow this event.
Congratulations to the winner’s of the 4 Lady Team 2 Low Net event called Rightie – Leftie – Sharon, Linda A, Louise F, Rosalie. Skill winner’s were KP # 6 – Meredith, KP # 12- Rosalie, Lowest Putts Back 9 – Vivian & Janet with 15.
Members who have signed up so far are: Sue, Janice, Vivian, Carole, Janet, Kathy, Rosie, Louise, Leanne, Meredith, Rosalie, Mimi, Linda A. Please check you calendar before 3:00 on Thursday if you are planning to attend.
El Tigre Ladies Committee