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Monthly Archives: November 2017

Couples golf

Hola todos,

This week’s game will be teams of four, using 2 best ball net on par 3s and 4s, and 3 best ball net on par 5s.  Tee time is at 10:30 and cost is 50 pesos per couple.

Christmas matches will be held on December 17th, starting later and will be followed by a pot luck dinner.  More details to follow shortly.

Hasta Domingo

Francine & Michel

New Handicap System

In the email I sent out yesterday, I told you I was attaching a file Gerard created with an explanation of all the terms and calculations on the handicap app’s scores listing. I wasn’t able to attach the file (a MailChimp limitation), and I forgot to delete that promise. Oops. So here it is below. Click on the image to enlarge it.
Also, I forgot to mention something else in the email. All the scores Phil entered will show as being from the white tees, because of the way he recorded scores in his spreadsheet. But if you turned in a score from the blues or golds, Phil adjusted the score to a white-tee equivalent in his spreadsheet. Bottom line, it should work out okay.

Mens Mixer November 29, 2017

ElTigre Golfers,

A beautiful Saturday afternoon, planning to sit by the pool with some good friends, have a few cerveza’s, some good food, and pleasant conversation. Feeling pretty grateful for this opportunity as I am sure all of you are also.

The game for next week will be the a 4 man team event with 1 net score recorded on Par 5’s, 2 net scores recorded on par 4’s, and 3 net scores recorded on par 3’s. Lift-clean-place in fairway only.

100 peso entry fee, will be collected prior to the game.

Thank you all for keeping the course in good shape by filling in divots and repairing ball marks on the greens.

Until Wednesday,

El Capitan

Hola todos

This week we will be playing teams of four (2 couples). The game is 2 best ball net, 1 man and 1 ladie’s score per hole. 50 pesos per couple, as usual and teeing off at 10:30h.
Hasta Domingo

Francine & Michel

Mens Mixer November 22, 2017

ElTigre Golfers,

Well, here I am on a beautiful Friday evening, enjoying a nice cold cerveza, typing up this letter. Does it get any better than that.

The game for next week will be the 2 best balls of the foursome (net).

Wednesday will introduce a new entry fee of 100 peso for the event. The old system of 50 peso entry + 50 peso for deuce pot and KP will be no more.

Each 100 peso entry fee will be split 80% (80 peso) towards the game, 10% (10 peso) for the deuce pot, and 10% (10 peso) for the closest to the pin. The 80% or 80 peso will be split as follows: 35 peso for 1st place team, 25 peso for 2nd place team, 15 peso for the 3rd place team, and 10 peso for the 4th place team.

Thanks for keeping the course in good shape by filling in divots and repairing ball marks on the greens.

For those golfing in the Members tournament on Saturday, have a great time.

Until Wednesday,

El Capitan

© 2016 El Tigre Leagues