Hola ladies,
We have tee times for this coming Friday. For safety reasons, I don’t intend to collect money and meet afterwards. If you want to play for fun with those who are here, please join us.
Looking forward to seeing everyone.
Hola ladies,
We have tee times for this coming Friday. For safety reasons, I don’t intend to collect money and meet afterwards. If you want to play for fun with those who are here, please join us.
Looking forward to seeing everyone.
The Mexican Golf Federation has rerated El Tigre, and new scorecards reflecting the changes are currently being printed. Hopefully they will arrive in the next week or so. You will notice that the slopes and ratings of all tees have increased, and that the stroke indices (aka “hole handicaps”) have changed significantly.
This website’s Handicap calculator has also been updated with the new slopes and ratings, so they will be used in calculating the “differentials” for scores you enter from now on.
A friend of Rod Spence is helping the La Cruz Kids Club Education Program. They have a fundraiser and have a gift certificate donated to them for 2 rounds of golf at Punta Mita Golf Course. It is valid until December 6th 2020. The cost is $350 US. Contact Rod (rod.spence@myaccess.ca) if you are interested.
Hola El Tigre Golfers,
This Wednesday, we will be playing the four person “waltz” team game. Each team will record one best ball net score for hole number one, two best ball net scores for hole number two and three net best ball for hole number three….and this pattern will repeat for all 18 holes. All teams will need to record both gross and net scores from all players for all holes. Each team will also need to record a summary team score for the front nine, the back nine and the total 18 hole score. Please remember to repair all divots during your course of play.
Good luck to all players!
Hola El Tigre Golfers,
Welcome Back! For this Wednesday’s event we will play a best ball two person team game. Each team will need to record both net scores and gross scores for all players on all holes. For team scoring purposes, provide the best net score for each hole and provide a summary for the front 9, the back nine and the total 18 holes score.
The entry fee will continue to be $100 pesos per player. I will be collecting the money on Wednesday morning. All players will need to follow the new covid health guidelines that have been put in place by the golf course management. We will have a brief discussion with the members on Wednesday morning (prior to tee off), to determine if we need to make any additional modifications to our Men’s Mixer event.
Please remember to repair all divots. Good luck to all golfers.
© 2016 El Tigre Leagues