We currently have 4 “leagues” or golf groups at El Tigre: Mens, Womens, Couples, and Skins Game. You can read more about these groups by clicking on the league name in the red menu bar on the website.
Leagues & Calendar
I’d like to participate in one of these leagues. How do I sign up?
It’s a 2-step process*, at least until we’re able to integrate the two steps. The first process is to put the league(s) you’re interested in on your Calendar. This will allow you to use the calendar to sign up for specific events for those leagues. The second process puts you on a mailing list, so that when your league manager(s) post announcements, you will receive an email informing you. Both processes are explained in detail in separate FAQs on adding leagues to your calendar and signing up for the league email lists.
*The womens league is not currently using the calendar. Email Vivian Heistad to sign up for the womens league.
How do I add one or more leagues to My Calendar?
- Open My Calendar on the red menu bar.
- Click the Leagues tab above the calendar.
- Select the checkboxes for any leagues in which you would like to participate this season.
- Click the Save leagues in my calendar button below the list of leagues. You will see a pop-up telling you the calendar was saved.
That’s it. Whenever you return to your calendar, you’ll see checkboxes for the league(s) you selected.
How do I get on the email list for a league?
On the right side of the website pages, below the Archives, is a form: Update League Email Subscriptions. Check the boxes for all leagues in which you are interested, and you will begin to receive emails regarding those leagues. Regardless of leagues selected, you will also receive emails from the General category.
I want to play in the [Mens/Womens/Couples/Skins] game this week. How do I sign up?
Use the My Calendar app on the website to sign up for a specific event in one of the leagues. You can sign up days, weeks, or months prior to an event, but by no later than 3 pm the day prior to the event.
- Click My Calendar on the red menu bar. You should see a calendar of the current month displayed.
- Look at the date of the event, and you should see a blank checkbox, along with the name of the league.
- Check this box, and it will turn blue.
- Click Save Month below the calendar. You will see a pop-up telling you your calendar was saved. Click OK.
That’s it. The league manager and the El Tigre director of golf will receive an email with the event pairings on the afternoon prior to the event. The staff will pull your bag and place it on a cart with your partner prior to your arrival to play.