Hola golfistas,
We need your collaboration this week in order to plan our game and pot luck. We therefore ask you to REGISTER BEFORE 10:00 a.m. THURSDAY.
The Pot luck will take place at poolside of Artesanias condominiums (18th green) right after golf.
There is parking available in the parking lot, no assigned spots yet so parking anywhere is okay.
If anyone has a folding table or extra chairs they would be appreciated. Right now we have 2 appetizers / 4 salads and 2 main courses. We could use a couple more main courses and some desserts. Please bring your own beverages.
Anyone who needs to drop off their food ahead of time can do so at the Plan’ts #207- Artesanias or at the St-Laurent’s #308-Greenbay 1.
For those of you who have not signed up after golf last Sunday on the sign up sheet, please e-mail Mary-Lou at marylouplant58@gmail.com to let her know you are coming and what you are bringing.
If you can’t golf next Sunday but would like to attend please feel free to join in.
We will be golfing at 12:30 and we’ll anounce the format later in the week. Couples will be mixed, but it is possible to play with your spouse if you prefer; if so, please contact Francine.
Your Pot Luck Open hosts
MaryLou, Francine & Michel